Acoustics & Noise Control
The comprehensive services we offer for design, testing, modeling, and analysis support the entire development life cycle, allowing you to tap our expert advice for new construction projects, renovations, and to address specific issues in existing spaces.
Room Acoustics & Reverberation
Shaping and treating building interiors to improve sound quality for music and the spoken word, communication, engaged learning, workplace productivity, and echo control.
Sounds Isolation & Privacy
Creating acoustic separation between noisy and sensitive interior spaces, reducing footfall and impact noise, hindering eavesdropping, as well as controlling outdoor-indoor sound transmission.
Mechanical System Noise Control
Testing, modeling, and analysis to mitigate duct-borne, radiated, and vibrational noise caused by building HVAC and other mechanical systems to acceptable levels for human comfort and effective space use.
Vibration Control
Testing, modeling, and analysis of the source and pathways for the structural transmission of acoustic energy, often associated with audible noise.
Environmental & Community Noise
Testing, modeling, and analysis for the generation, propagation, and reception of unwanted sound from event venues, highways, airports, industrial facilities and mechanical equipment. Arpeggio’s experience is a valuable asset for site planning and due diligence. Using our predictive modeling and design tools we guide developers, architects, and zoning officials before ground is broken. For existing noise situations, we can provide comprehensive analysis and on-site testing to help resolve ongoing disputes and verify code compliance.